Rabbit Hole

A RPG Adventure in Dark Wonderland

Tales from a Rabbit Hole

Comic series about the silly side of gaming

Dying in RPGs - Tales from the rabbit hole

What does dying mean in 4 types of RPG: Western RPG, JRPG, MMORPG and Tabletop RPG

Collateral Damage - Tales from the rabbit hole

This one is a tribute to all my JRPG summon spells, especially Final Fantasy.

Random Number Generator - Tales from the Rabbit Hole

RGNUS can be cruel.

Selling to NPC - Tales from the Rabbit Hole

Ever wonder what happens to your loot after you sold them to NPC? Me too.

Healing Potion - Tales from the Rabbit Hole

RPG gamers, specially JRPG fan can relate to this story...